Marine Lights

Since 1922 Den Haan Rotterdam has manufactured navigation lights out of brass and operated by oil. Over the years it transformed to electric bulb and plastic housing and now led navigation lights with anodised aluminium housings, meeting the highest requirements to survive the harsh weather conditions at sea.
Since the beginning of the company it rapidly became famous for its high quality products. Today, Den Haan Navigation lights and signaling equipment meets the highest standard. By using only the best materials and keep production in their own factory in Holland, allows them to supervise the production process and make sure the products are made in pristine condition.
Den Haan Rotterdam manufactures their products to ensure safety at sea in all weather conditions.
BOATelectronics stock a full range of 70 and 55 series Single & Duplex, here in New Zealand - give us a call!
Den Haan DHR 35 Masthead Navigation Light
Navigation Lights for vessels less than 20 meters. manufactured from high strength Matt black polyca..
Den Haan DHR 35 Port Navigation Light
Navigation Lights for vessels less than 20 meters. manufactured from high strength Matt black polyca..
Den Haan DHR 35 Starboard Navigation Light
Navigation Lights for vessels less than 20 meters. manufactured from high strength Matt black polyca..
Den Haan DHR 35 Starboard Navigation Light
Navigation Lights for vessels less than 20 meters. manufactured from high strength Matt black polyca..